
Friday, November 30, 2007

Buy One Free One...

Coffee Bean is running a 'Buy One, Free One' promotion for it's Ice Blended drinks, exclusively for Citibank credit card holders till end of the year.

But as i found out first hand, instead of Buy One Free One, it should be called Buy One Free 'One'.

The same? Not at all, as i shall explain.

Apparently, Coffee Bean has fixed what type of Ice Blended drink they are giving out each week. You will get that free for every Ice Blended drink that you purchase. This week, the free drink is a Green Tea Ice Blended. So, when i bought a mocha Ice Blended drink for Hun Kwang, I did not get another mocha for free, but the green tea one instead.

While I wasn't too thrilled about it, I'm not complaining much either. After all, a free drink is always welcome. :)

So it just brings to mind that English is indeed a funny language. Same phrase, but different meaning and interpretation.

I guess that's why English is probably the favourite language or medium for marketeers. And quite possibly politicians as well....

So, why the many complaints on using English as the medium of instruction in our schools? I am still clueless on why the debate rages on and on.

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