Poor sense of smell may signal Alzheimer's
CHICAGO, Illinois (AP) -- Difficulty identifying common smells such as lemon, banana and cinnamon may be the first sign of Alzheimer's disease, according to a study that could lead to scratch-and-sniff tests to determine a person's risk for the progressive brain disorder. Study subjects were asked to identify a dozen familiar smells including onion, lemon, banana and rose.
Researchers have long known that microscopic lesions considered the hallmarks of Alzheimer's first appear in a brain region important to the sense of smell.
"Strictly on the basis of anatomy, yeah, this makes sense," said Robert Franks, an expert on odor perception and the brain at the University of Cincinnati. Franks was not involved in the new study, appearing in Monday's Archives of General Psychiatry.
Other studies have linked loss of smell to Alzheimer's disease, Franks said, but this is the first to measure healthy people's olfactory powers and follow them for five years, testing along the way for signs of mental decline.
I guess smelling bananas will soon be part of your medical check-up routine.
So the question then would be... do you hv to bring your own banana?!!!